Your one stop to find info, news and tips to help you lose 15-20 pounds in 30 days.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Get A Calorie Counting Program

If you are starting any regime it is necessary to count your calories or at the very least keep track of what you are putting in your mouth in some way shape or form.

I’ve heard from members of My Food Diary for quite awhile and they have found it to be a valuable service. However, having said that, I don’t think it’s necessary to remain a member for a long time to benefit from the value this site provides.

The name of the site says it all. The primary service is a user-friendly system for maintaining a detailed and accurate food diary. You are provided with all the tools you might need to keep track of the calories you consume and the calories burned each day. In addition, there is a personal notes section to journal your thoughts and feelings with respect to your weight management challenges.

You might wonder why you should bother with a paid service when you can keep track of this same information on your own or with a free service online such as

Here’s why. Like the free food diary services, this site is particularly well designed for the Do-It-Yourself (DIY)

When you are just starting with a DIY weight loss diet, the more information you have about your current habits, the more likely you will succeed in making the necessary changes.

Keeping a food diary, an ACCURATE food diary that includes a way to track your physical activity and calories burned as well as what you have eaten, is one of the most important things you can do for success.

My Food Diary

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